Food Defense Program Consultation For A Food Business in Afghanistan
R. Klaiss )
Recent advancements in storage container technology (i.e., refrigerated, low oxygen environments) now allows fresh produce to be shipped across greater distances with minimal effects on quality. However, greater access through shipping also increases the threat of food tampering, especially where food is shipped from developed countries into third world countries. Prior to receiving this report, “Company X”, a newly formed, Kuwait-based company doing business in Afghanistan, understood the need to increase its food supply security for both their US military and civilian-based customers but lacked the expertise. This consultative report addresses the environmental and cultural challenges that Company X faces with regards to food defense and analyses specific risk factors within the scope of their dealings in Afghanistan. This report is meant to guide Company X’s leadership through the thought process of conducting a vulnerability assessment, and educating the company on how to use risk analysis matrices in order to assign values to each vulnerability. The end product will help Company X better understand where and how to apply its food defense resources.