As alumni of the MSU Online Food Safety Program, you belong to an impressive network of food safety professionals and we want to keep in touch!

The OFS program wants to celebrate your achievements in your area of food safety. Have you received an award or a promotion? Do you plan on speaking at an event? Let us know! Email your successes to our Communications and Marketing Manager, Esther Haviland, estherh@msu.edu. We will share your stories on the OFS website and social media.
We invite three OFS alumni to join our Advisory Council for a three year term. We seek the advice and expertise of our alumni to guide our team in our initiatives to educate the world’s leaders in food safety. If you are interested in being considered, please contact Assistant Director and Academic Advisor, Heather Ricks, ricksh@msu.edu.
Are you planning on featuring your applied project at an upcoming Food Safety Summit or International Association of Food Protection conference? There are scholarship opportunities from OFS that will help you pay for your travel and/or registration to one of these conferences to showcase your hard work and findings. Contact Director, Patty Weber, weberp@msu.edu for more information.
As an MSU Alum you belong to an elite group of Spartan professionals. The MSU Alumni website offers resources and opportunities to connect with other alumni in your area. Your MSU experience doesn’t have to stop at graduation. Create your profile at https://alumni.msu.edu.
Contact Information.
Please be sure to share your personal email with us so we will have a way to connect and stay in touch. Send your information to Esther Haviland at estherh@msu.edu.
Planning a trip to the East Lansing area? Come visit us! Email anyone from our team to notify us of your arrival. Once you are on campus you can also grab some ice cream from the MSU Dairy Store and visit the MSU Bookstore to buy MSU Alumni apparel!